What is the Difference Between a Therapy Dog & a Facility Dog?

There is often confusion between facility dogs and therapy dogs. While both types of dogs provide therapeutic support, they serve different purposes

Facility dogs are specially trained to work in settings such as hospitals, nursing homes, schools, and prisons. They are typically paired with a specific individual or team and perform tasks such as providing comfort to patients, helping with physical therapy exercises, or serving as a calming presence in classrooms.

Therapy dogs, on the other hand, typically visit a variety of locations and work with a variety of people. They may provide emotional support to people in crisis situations or visit schools, hospitals, and nursing homes on a regular basis.

Therapy dogs provide companionship and emotional support to people in hospitals, nursing homes, schools, and other settings. They are usually bred and trained by volunteers and are not placed with a specific individual or team.

Facility dogs are expertly trained dogs who partner with a facilitator and work in a health care or visitation. Unlike therapy dogs, facility dogs are carefully selected and undergo extensive training to develop the skills required for their job. They typically work with the same individual or team throughout their career. Both therapy dogs and facility dogs bring joy and comfort to the people they serve. However, it is important to note that therapy dogs are not certified service animals and do not have the same legal rights as service animals.

When most people think of dogs, they picture a loyal companion that offers unconditional love and affection. However, dogs can also be trained to provide a variety of services, including therapy, assistance, and protection. Facility dogs are specially trained to work in a wide range of settings, such as hospitals, nursing homes, schools, and courthouses.

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These versatile canines are often used to provide comfort and support to individuals who are dealing with a traumatic event or coping with a chronic illness. In addition, facility dogs can help people with disabilities by performing tasks such as opening doors and retrieving items. The mere presence of a furry friend can also help to relieve stress and reduce anxiety levels.

An organization like PAVE USA embraces the benefits of facility dogs. These dogs are specially trained to provide comfort and support to people in a variety of settings, from hospitals and nursing homes to workplaces and courthouses. Facility dogs are versatile animals that can be trained to perform a wide range of tasks, from providing emotional support to helping people with physical disabilities. As more and more organizations recognize the many benefits of having a facility dog on staff, it is likely that these furry helpers will become an increasingly common sight in a wide variety of public spaces. From shopping malls and airports to schools and office buildings, facility dogs are sure to make a positive impact on the lives of everyone they meet.